Taking Care of Yourself
It seems kind of weird I am writing a blog regarding taking care of yourself……as adults, seems like we should know how to do that, right?...

Blue Monday?
Ever heard of “Blue Monday”? I had not...until recently. According to Wikipedia, it is a term developed by a travel company in 2005 to...

Surviving the Holidays.......
This time of year is supposed to be joyous…..just listen to a Christmas song! However, this time of the year, finds many of us feeling...

Feeling anxious, now what?
So, you have had or are experiencing anxiety, now what? As I wrote in my last blog, having anxiety can take a toll on your health--you may b

The Future of Healthcare
Health care is changing. And it’s changing at a rapid pace. While we here in rural, small town Ohio may not see the forefront of...

What is Anxiety?
As I sit here staring at this blank page attempting to write my first ever blog, I think I am feeling it. Anxiety…..where to start?...